C.S. Lewis Summer Institute
The Self & the Search for Meaning
Full Conference : July 28-August 8 |
Week 1 (Oxford) : July 28-August 2 |
Week 2 (Cambridge): August 3-8 |
CAM-13 ~ "The Well-Educated Soul: Forming a Whole Self in the Classical Tradition" with John Mark Reynolds
For centuries, the mark of education was a civilized person. There was an understanding that real education created virtue or excellence which was more than a competence or skill, but ideally produced the ability to recognize and appreciate the good, the true, and the beautiful. Some educational methods that encouraged the development of this ability were the close study of great works of art and literature, attempts to understand that art through conversation with peers and a master, and amateur attempts to create such art. A civilized or educated person was made a part of a “great conversation” and a “great act of creation” that applied those ideas to the cosmos. On the other hand, modern education has too often assumed that its most important function is job training.
Join a weeklong introduction to the classical tradition of learning, and discover how traditional education can help form a whole and more fully human person. Find out about how to form good questions and their essential role in enjoyable and profitable reading. Learn why you need to read (at least some of time) with a group and how to start and continue such a group for yourself. Discover the benefits (and limits!) of what you can gain from a text or piece of art as an amateur. Learn some reasons why art, music, and film must be part of any good discussion group. And join a Great Conversation that can go on for the rest of your life.
John Mark Reynolds is the Founder and Director of the Torrey Honors Institute and Associate Professor of Philosophy, Biola University, has been a contributing writer for such journals as the New Oxford Review and Touchstone, and is the author of several books, including Maker of Heaven and Earth: Three Views on the Creation and Evolution Debate (co-authored with J.P. Moreland) and Towards a Unified Platonic Human Psychology. Reynolds lectures frequently on ancient philosophy, philosophy of science, home-schooling and cultural trends, appears regularly on radio talk shows, and actively blogs on cultural issues. He has presented seminars on classical education in several different countries and throughout the United States. He also teaches in Biola University's Apologetics Program.
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